How To Use Vim Rating: 5,9/10 2537 votes

If you want to use vimdiff, here are some useful shortcuts. This assumes you know basics of Vim (navigation and insert/normal mode): navigate to the bottom buffer (merge result): Ctrl-W j navigate to next diff with j/k; or, better, use c and c to navigate to the next and previous diff respectively; use z o while on a fold to open it, if you want to see more context.

How do I create and edit a file via SSH using a text editor such as vim on a Linux or Unix-like system?
There are many ways to create a new file in Linux or Unix-like system. One can use a text editor such as vi or vim to create and edit a file. This page explains how to use vim text editor to create a file via SSH.

VIM text editor commands

The best all in one tool for mac. Vim is a text editor to create or edit a text file, config file and programs on a Linux, macOS, and Unix-like system. There are two modes in vim:

  1. Command mode : In this mode you can move around the file, delete text, copy/paste/undo/redo and more.
  2. Insert mode : In this mode you can insert text or edit text.

How do I change mode from one to another when using vim?

To switch from insert mode to command mode press or type escape key (Esc). If you are ever unsure about something you typed, just press ESC to place you in Normal mode. Then retype the command you wanted.

To switch from command mode to insert mode type any one of the following characters:

  • a : Append text following the current cursor position
  • A : Append text to the end of the current line
  • i : Insert text at the current cursor position
  • I : Insert text at the beginning of the cursor line
  • o : Begin a new line below the cursor to insert text
  • O : Begin a new line above the cursor to add text

How do I move the cursor around when working with vim?

To move the cursor, press the h,j,k,l keys as indicated:

  1. The h key is at the left and moves left.
  2. The l key is at the right and moves right.
  3. The j key looks like a down arrow and moved down.
  4. The k key looks like a up arrow and moved up.
  5. You can use up, down, left and right arrow keys too. But, with hjkl keys you will be able to move around much faster.

Step to create and edit a file using vim

  1. Log into your server using SSH command: ssh user@cloud-vm-ip
  2. Type vim command to create a file named demo.txt: vim demo.txt
  3. To enter insert mode and to append text type the letter i (usually you do this by press Esc followed by i)
  4. Start entering text
  5. When done editing press the Esc key to go back to command mode
  6. Once in command mode to save and exit the file type a colon (:) followed by x. Press the Enter key.

I suggest you read vim command tutorial by simply typing the following command at the CLI:
$ vimtutor

  • Vim Tutorial
  • Vim Useful Resources
Vim editor linux
  • Selected Reading

VIM proved (henceforth referred to as Vim) editor is one of the popular text editors. It is clone of Vi editor and written by Bram Moolenaar. It is cross platform editor and available on most popular platforms like Windows, Linux, Mac and other UNIX variants. It is command-centric editor, so beginners might find it difficult to work with it. But once you master it, you can solve many complex text-related tasks with few Vim commands. After completing this tutorial, readers should be able to use Vim fluently.

This tutorial is targeted for both beginners and intermediate users. After completing this tutorial, beginners will be able to use Vim effectively whereas intermediate users will take their knowledge to the next level.

This tutorial assumes that reader has basic knowledge of computer system. Additionally, reader should be able to install, uninstall and configure software packages on given system.

Following conventions are followed in entire tutorial −