Komplete Audio 6 Control Panel Download Windows Rating: 7,9/10 4161 votes
23rd February 2013

So, I uninstalled and reinstalled the driver multiple times, ran Windows Update, etc. No way to solve the problem. Find FREE downloads for all Native Instruments products: Hardware drivers. Komplete Audio 6 Driver 4. 2.0 - Windows, Driver, Info,.

Gear Head

S/PDIF i/o and Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6
I'm having a hard time figuring out the usability of the S/PDIF i/o on the NI Komplete Audio 6 interface, so I'd LOVE to hear from some actual users.
Sweetwater specs it as only recording 4 channels at once and one of their sales reps told me the same. But that doesn't make sense, it is a '6 Channel' interface after all. So can all 6 inputs be recorded simultaneously (4 analog + 2 digital)? Do the digital channels show as available inside a DAW? I understand that there's no routing or mixing capabilities, so if the S/PDIF jacks can't be used to pass a signal in and out of the DAW to which it's connected I don't see the use.
I've read through the manual and it offers little help - 'Typical users of the RCA (phono) sockets 5/6 would be DAT tapedecks, synthesizers and CD
players with digital output.'
So then can a preamp be sent through the S/PDIF and recorded into the DAW?
I'd *really* appreciate if some actual users could clear this up for me.

Hi all,Just bought a Komplete Audio 6 between Christmas and New Year. All seemed well (not used it much, mind) but I am now getting huge issues with pops and clicks. This isn't just happening in my DAW, but also when I do something as simple as play a.wav file using Windows Media player. I get a click when the audio starts, another one when it stops and little random ones here and there. It'll sometimes go 10 seconds without a click or a pop but not always.To all the world, it sounds like a classic 'buffer underun' thing like I used to get in the old days on a 2496 and a much slower computer. But I've cranked the buffers up as high as they'll go to exclude this and it still does it!It's a Windows 7 64 bit system with 12 gig of ram and an Intel Core i7 950Here is a copy of the support ticket I've raised with NI which will give more details, but I think I'm more likely to get an answer here!I have just bought Komplete Audio 6 and am having bad problems with clicks and pops on playback.Any WAV file that is played back via Windows Media player has the problem, as does anything I play back in Reaper or iTunes.

It's fine mostly, but you get random clicks and pops and this is making it unusable.It does this via the main outputs AND via the headphone socket, so it's nothing to do with balanced cables etc. No inputs are being used so there is no possibility of this being an input problem.So far I have tried:-1. A different USB cable2.

Changing USB ports3. Setting the buffers to the maximum, and even at 27ms of latency it still does it, so it's not buffers4. I have updated firmware to version 37 (it was on V.29). There is no difference.5. I have been working with the latest drivers, but I've now tried rolling back to the 2.99 that shipped with it. No differenceI would appreciate your help please - when it works it's brilliant but this issue is making the product completely unfit for use.ThanksGary Regular Posts: 433 Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:00 am.

Thanks for your reply, Pete - very helpful and a lot quicker than NI who have yet to respond;)I think I've got at least 2 different things going on here, but I'll tell you what I've now done. Certainly improved it but every time I think I've fixed it, it comes back again:frown:DPC Latency installed - thanks for the link to this very useful program. It was showing some yellow spikes of around 1.2mS and, as the usb buffer was set to 1mS that would explain a source of problems.I found a USB Route Hub driver update on the Asus website (this is an Asus P6X58D-E). Under 'usb drivers' on this page, there was nothing newer.

MANUALSManualDateSizeVersionInfosDownloadNew11-Sep-20196.6 Mb2.0.2This manual contains information for AudioFuse and AudioFuse 8Pre only.For AudioFuse Studio, please refer to the product manual.New10-Sep-20196.7 Mb2.0.1New10-Sep-20196.6 Mb2.0.0New08-Aug-20196.7 Mb2.0.007-Aug-20196.7 Mb2.0.0New07-Aug-201919.5 Mb2.0.007-Aug-20196.6 Mb2.0.118-Jul-20196.6 Mb2.0.006-Mar-20185.2 Mb1.0.106-Mar-20185.2 Mb1.0.106-Mar-20185.2 Mb1.0.106-Mar-20185.2 Mb1.0.106-Mar-201816.2 Mb1.0.112-Jun-20175.2 Mb1.012-Jun-20175.2 Mb1.012-Jun-20175.2 Mb1.012-Jun-201716.2 Mb1.001-Jun-20175.2 Mb1.0. Arturia oberheim sem v mac os x iso. MANUALSManualDateSizeVersionInfosDownloadNew12-Jun-201927.2 Mb4.0.0New12-Jun-201927.2 Mb4.0.0New12-Jun-201940.1 Mb4.0.0New12-Jun-201927.2 Mb4.0.0New10-May-201927.2 Mb4.0.025-Apr-201927.2 Mb4.0.004-Dec-20175.3 Mb3.029-Nov-20175.2 Mb3.029-Nov-20175.2 Mb3.029-Nov-20175.3 Mb3.029-Nov-201719.5 Mb3.029-Nov-20175.3 Mb3.026-Jun-20174.9 Mb2.0.023-Mar-201717.8 Mb2.0.026-May-201614.1 Mb2.0.019-May-20163.7 Mb2.0.019-May-20163.2 Mb2.0.002-Dec-20143.2 Mb1.208-Jan-20144.3 Mb1.108-Jan-20144.4 Mb1.108-Jan-20144.4 Mb1.129-Apr-20134.3 Mb1.0.

However, under 'utilities' there is a 'USB 3.0 Host Controller Utility'. This showed newer drivers. So I installed these and it's stuck a little utility in my startup menu as well! Anyway, since that has been on there I can see nothing but green bars on my DPC Latency checker. It does say that the 'absolute maximum' setting it has got is 1.14mS so I'm leaving the USB buffer in the Komplete control panel at 2mS just to be sure and exclude this from the equation.So away I went and all well. But Windows Media Player still seems to be doing it.

Open a wav file that plays perfectly, and play it. Then go and do something else (such as browse on here) with the media player still open in the background.

Going back to Media player, it then typically has the glitches. Restarting media player seems to be getting rid of them.So this is why I say I think I have two things going on.

I certainly seem to have cheered up the DPC latency and also turned up the usb buffer 'just in case'. Still something else going on. I'm multi-tasking at the mo so I'll try Reaper out extensively tonight and see how that goes!TBH, if Reaper, Maschine and iTunes are OK then I'll be OK - I can live without Media player as other players are available;)Currently downloading an updated graphics driver just in case anything there is amiss - it's not 'old' but it's an NVidia card and they do tend to bring them out fairly regularly.I'll keep you posted, and if you have any more thoughts I'd be very grateful to hear them:)Gary Regular Posts: 433 Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:00 am.

I wouldn't have expected the nvidia drivers if DPC is clear but always worth a punt. I'd also go through and update any other drivers if you did the inital install a while back / off cd originally with the Chipset (get a fresh one from the Intel site) being the prime suspect.You can also try disabling power saving junk in the bios if you haven't already (C states - C1/C3/C6, EIST, anything with spread spectrum after it) which may help, and you can check the power options in windows and lock everything to 100% for testing.If your finding out through it's only affecting media player still and nothing else then I wouldn't worry about it. Many, many fine media players out there that work and sound far better than the native one!Frequent Poster (Level2) Posts: 3168 Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 12:00 am Location: Manchester. Thanks Pete and Pink,I appear to be OK now, but it's still at the stage where I won't 100% trust it for a bit!As to the power saving options, I'm the chap that had the bad problems with (what appeared to be) RF interference every time my hard drive ran, and this turned out to be the power saving options in the BIOS. Those were all turned off.The odd thing was that I found some MORE power saving options in Windows over the weekend. These were still on. I didn't realise that, if they were disabled in the BIOS, that Windows 7 could still decide to do things with power saving.Anyway, the quietness of the system when plugging a guitar in has improved once more so that is a happy accident side-effect of the fault finding here!I do think that the main offender was the USB driver that ASUS had cunningly hidden in a part of their support site in a place that didn't mention USB;) Once that was on, it improved.

I then updated the Komplete audio driver (I had rolled it back prior to finding the USB driver). Those two combined seem to have done the trick. I'll leave it for a while now and use it to see how things go as I'm a great believer in 'if it works, leave it alone!' Starting to realise that, whilst I was more than up to the job of building a PC and getting it working perfectly a few years back, that might not be the case anymore.Gary Regular Posts: 433 Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:00 am.

Apologies for dredging this up again, but it's still doing it! Any help gratefully received.In a nutshell, the system will work 100% perfectly.

Until it doesn't:headbang: After 10 mins worst case, 2 hours best case, the crackles will start.I can get rid of them by going into control panel and disabling the Komplete Audio 6 device. Once I re-enable it, it works a treat. For 10 mins worst case, 2 hours best.Reaper seems OK.

Ish.Youtube, Soundcloud and other web content cheeses it off no end.Obviously, many folks out there are running these without issue so it'll be 'something' with my system. But the nature of the problem is proving to be a tricky little fellow:?So far I have:-Set all buffers sky high to get that one out of the way.Tried a new usb cable in every USB port I haveTried connecting via a powered USB hub just in case it was drawing too much oomph from the systemEnsured that the drivers are up to date for my audio interface, my USB 2.0 hub, graphics card, USB Mouse and Keyboard. I have nothing else plugged in to this Asus P6X58D-E.

The Komplete has also been updated to the latest firmwareI have installed the latest BIOS for the motherboardI have run DPC Latency Checker. My latency is between 100 and 150, so well within the green bit:) I was getting latency spikes which were cured by the new USB driver but still the crackles remain.I've turned off all the power saving stuff in BIOS and in Windows 7I've turned off C1E and spread spectrum.I've always gone for ASUS motherboards in the past and found them to be very good. Either I'm getting a bit daft and past it or this one is a PITA!!Any more obvious places to look? I've done everything on NI's checklist for faultfinding and the next stage is contacting their tech support. I've done that and so far had no response from them!ThanksGary Regular Posts: 433 Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:00 am. The's some very odd symptoms in that lot.So is reaper not doing it still?

Is reaper set up for ASIO? The web based streaming issues might suggest doing a LAN driver update if you haven't already, but I'd also suspect that the web based stuff isn't using asio rather something like direct sound which wouldn't grab hold of the cpu in the same mannor of that ASIO would. Is the anything running that could be chewing up CPU cycles randomly? Perhaps antivirus or something else running in the backgroud?Frequent Poster (Level2) Posts: 3168 Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 12:00 am Location: Manchester.

Komplete Audio 6 Control Panel Download Windows

Hi Pete,I appreciate your reply.Reaper still appears to be OK - I can't be 100% as life is getting in the way of serious recording at the mo! But on the occasions where I've dipped into Reaper it has seemed to be glitch free. Obviously needs a decent session or two to be sure so watch this space on that one!You are correct on the driver front - I'm using ASIO. When I was first having issues, Reaper gave problems as well but the USB Driver update seems to have cheered that up. Prior to the USB update, I was getting latency spikes in the DPC checker so it made sense as to why it was giving issues.

I'm all green now, though. Very green;)I agree it seems to be some kind of direct sound thing that is doing it.

When the issue appears, it is so bad the even the little test tone within the Komplete control panel (the ping ping poooong that bounces between the speakers and sounds like an airline tannoy) gives the crackles! A restart fixes it.is the thread I started on the NI forum about this issue. 3 others on the thread also having issues with this interface on web-based audio!As you've suggested, I'll look at the LAN driver (it's wired and works a treat but could be the culprit). I do have a virus checker running.

If the issues were always a certain length of time after starting, I'd point the finger that way. Seems that it's fine till you do web-based audio and at that point it'll go nutty:headbang:I know there's an answer to that (don't use web based audio!) but that seems like a fair old step backwards in this day and age!If it is a direct sound issue, I don't really know where else to look - my drivers for the Komplete are up to date and Windows 7 recons that nothing else needs doing at present and lord knows it furtles around often enough so I'm inclined to believe it. But of course I'd be delighted to be pointed to a likely candidate there!

Regular Posts: 433 Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:00 am. I've not thrown any more time at this tonight but I did manage to get a reply out of NI tech support.

They suggested:-1. Making sure that all of the inputs and outputs are configured to the same sample rate or else it gets upset (mine are all at 44.1 so it's not this)2.

Installing a hot fix from MS for a known issue 'There is high CPU usage when using a USB audio device connected to a USB 2.0 EHCI host controller:I downloaded the fix. Windows told me I didn't need it. Looking at the date of the fix suggested, I'm of the opinion that SP1 for Windows 7 sorts it.

So it's not that.3. Setting my USB buffer to 4mS. If I do this, the control panel then follows this through and sets a buffer size of 192 samples and gives me a whopping 11.7mS of latency. Surely this cannot be what I need to do to get this card working??? If I take it down to 32 samples then it still gives me over 8mS of latency. Which isn't great.I'll give it a crack and see if it fixes it, but can anyone explain why, when DLC Latency Checker recons that I've got a latency of well under 150 microseconds, should I have to set a USB Buffer to 4mS!I will still play with the virus checker on and off as well.Gary Regular Posts: 433 Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:00 am.

I really appreicate your reply, Pete - thankyou.I have just been running with my virus checker disabled and I also stopped all processes related to Adobe.Worked fine for about 1/2 hour. Now the crackles are here.What seems to really uspet it is the following:-1. Start watching a Youtube video - it works fine2. Go away for 10 minutes because life is like that4. Come back and restart the video. Crackles are there!Don't get me wrong - it must sound like I'm more interested in watching Youtube than making music - that's not the case;) However, it's a PC that besides its recording duties has a range of other things I expect it to do that includes Internet use, movies, iTunes etc.

Not unreasonable for a PC like this with a decent interface! I am testing it in this manner as I know that these things upset it so am wanting to draw the fault out!Anyway, when it's in its fault state (which it is as I type) the following things are noticable:-1. The test tone in the Windows Control panel glitches and crackles2.

ITunes glitches and crackles3. Any Internet sound glitches and crackles4. Any movie file that I play in any media player program glitches and crackles5. Starting up Reaper and playing a recording works perfectly!!!6. Whilst in the fault state, DPC Latency checker is still claiming a latency of 115 microseconds or so with no spikes.Sooooo.

We have an audio interface that works perfectly for recording but (on my PC at least) is pants for anything else. This is an issue for me as I'm doing my best to learn a bunch of covers for a live show in a few months and it's not unknown for me to play along with Youtube using a VSTi for the guitar. If I do this now, I get the glitches at some point and it drives me potty!So it's clear that ASIO is fine.

The Windows drivers are not - they are getting themselves upset on this system for some reason. Restarting the Windows driver sorts out the problem. I don't know if this is a dodgy driver from NI or a faulty unit or something with my PC.

Yes, I know traditionally the last of these is almost always the culprit and I really hope it is, but I'm running out of places to go here.I've heard back from NI again today - their tech support seem to be pretty much out of ideas now but I hope to hear back tomorrow (asked me to check again my settings were all at 44.1KHz, which they are). The shop I bought it from are happy to refund me or exchange the unit - I've copied them on all correspondance to NI and they agree that I'm doing my best.That's the awkward thing - I really don't want to exchange it - when it's not glitching, it's a fantastic device that's well worth the £169 I paid for it. Not sure what else I can get at that kind of price that will touch it? I may start another thread on this.I've told them that I'll persevere till early next week then make the call on exchanging it. Obviously if I can sort it out in the meantime that is my first choice!Gary Regular Posts: 433 Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:00 am. All contents copyright © SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2020. All rights reserved.The contents of this article are subject to worldwide copyright protection and reproduction in whole or part, whether mechanical or electronic, is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Publishers.

Great care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the preparation of this article but neither Sound On Sound Limited nor the publishers can be held responsible for its contents. The views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the publishers.Web site designed & maintained by PB Associates & SOS.

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