Engineering Mechanics Dynamics Solution Manual Scribd 7th Rating: 5,5/10 9630 votes

Preview text Engineering Mechanics - StaticsChapter 1Problem 1-1Represent each of the following combinations of units in the correct SI form using anappropriate prefix:(a) m/ms (b) μkm (c) ks/mg (d) km⋅ μNUnits Used:μN = 10−6μkm = 10N−6km9Gs = 10 s3ks = 10 smN = 10−3−3ms = 10NsSolution:( a)m3m= 1 × 10mssmkm=1mss( b)μkm = 1 × 10−3mμkm = 1 mm( c)ks9 s= 1 × 10mgkgksGs=1mgkg( d)−3km⋅ μN = 1 × 10mNkm⋅ μN = 1 mm⋅ N1© 2007 R. Published by Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material maybe reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.Engineering Mechanics - StaticsChapter 1Problem 1-2Wood has a density d. What is its density expressed in SI units?Units Used:Mg = 1000 kgGiven:d = 4.70slugft3Solution:1slug = 14.594 kgd = 2.42Mgm3Problem 1-3Represent each of the following combinations of units in the correct SI form using anappropriate prefix:(a) Mg/mm (b) mN/μs (c) μm⋅ MgSolution:3( a)6Mg10 kg10 kgGg−3mmmm10mMgGg=mmm( b)mNμsmNμs( c)=10−310=N−63=s10 NkN=sskNs(−6μm⋅ Mg = 10)(3)m 10 kg = 10−3m⋅ kgμm⋅ Mg = mm⋅ kg2© 2007 R. Published by Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.

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Engineering Mechanics Dynamics Solution Manual Scribd 7th

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