Great Circle Calculation Rating: 5,7/10 340 votes

Great Circle Map Generator

Calculate the great circle distance between two points; Calculate the great circle distance between two addresses; Draw a direct route between two airports, or multiple airport pairs; Draw range rings (concentric circles) around a point; Calculate coordinates at a given bearing and distance. I got two columns with latitude and longitude values. I need to calculate the distance between the points in every row. I'm trying to use the haversine formula as seen here: That's the so called 'great circle' calculation. I need perform this calculation on a huge amount of coordinates. The data looks like that.

A recent 'year end review' posting in the Amateur Radio Weekly blog, reminded me of great little piece of online software that might interest a lot of hams. It is a very nice Great Circle Map Generator, centered on your specific location.
The map generator is the brainchild of Tom, NS6T, and can be found on his 'HAM STUFF' website along with some other interesting bits. The actual map generator can be found here.The user interface is simple and map generation times are fast. Anyone with a beam will likely be interested in this, should they not already have a great circle map for their present QTH.
I used my six-letter grid square identifier for centering the map. Depending on the 'distance' value used, one can tailor the map for local / regional work or for a worldwide setting.
This is the map generated for a distance unit of 500km and would be helpful for local VHF'ing:
This map was produced when a distance unit of 4500km was used .. nice for the 6m grid square hunter:

This worldwide map was produced with an input of 18000km:
Hopefully you might find the map generator of some value in your own shack.
Steve McDonald, VE7SL, is a regular contributor to and writes from British Columbia, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].
  • The azimuthal map by NS6T is quite slick! I use it for antenna pattern comparisons and general DX work. Here’s to a good 2016 for all.

  • I love reading these articles because they’re short but iniamrotfve.

  • Thanks for the map. It is just what I was looking for.

  • Super info. Thank you!! Been wanting something like this for a long long time. Very helpful with planning antenna layout and which direction to face the verticals. (LOL). Seriously, this is a great source of info. Persona phantom of the opera english patch. Thank you.
    Dale – WC7S

  • great aid for the vhf contest !!
    Dale – WC7S in Wy

  • Great map and free for a change.Worked well for an upcoming article I’m writing about beacons.

  • Very useful. Thank you !

  • Thank you so much just what I was looking for
    Best regards

  • Thank you for producing the map it is in constant use in my shack

    Best Regards & 73

  • How about a great circle map centered on my grid square showing all grid squares of the earth?


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A recent 'year end review' posting in the blog, reminded me of great little piece of online software that might interest a lot of hams. It is a very nice Great Circle Map Generator, centered on your specific location.The map generator is the brainchild of Tom, NS6T, and can be found on his ' ' website along with some other interesting bits. The actual map generator.The user interface is simple and map generation times are fast. Anyone with a beam will likely be interested in this, should they not already have a great circle map for their present QTH.I used my six-letter grid square identifier for centering the map. Depending on the 'distance' value used, one can tailor the map for local / regional work or for a worldwide setting.This is the map generated for a distance unit of 500km and would be helpful for local VHF'ing.