Insert Picture Backround For Mac Rating: 6,1/10 540 votes

The Place command is the primary method used to insert graphics into InDesign because it provides the highest level of support for resolution, file formats, multipage PDF and INDD files, and color. To place graphics is also referred to as import images and insert pictures.If you’re creating a document in which those characteristics aren’t critical, you can copy and paste to import graphics InDesign. Pasting, however, embeds a graphic in a document; the link to the original graphic file is broken and doesn’t appear in the Links panel, and you can’t update the graphic from the original file. However, pasting Illustrator graphics allows you to edit paths in InDesign.

See.The options available to you when you place a graphics file depend on the type of graphic. These options appear when you select Show Import Options in the Place dialog box.

Mac OS X automatically manipulates how the background appears on your Desktop. If an image conforms to your screen resolution, fine. Otherwise, click the pop-up menu next to the well and you can choose to. Tile the background. This repeats the image to cover the Desktop.

If you don’t select Show Import Options, InDesign applies the default settings or the last settings used in placing a graphics file of that type.The names of graphics you’ve placed (imported) appear in the Links panel. To import into an existing frame which is not selected, click the loaded graphics icon anywhere in that frame.

To import into an existing selected frame, you don’t have to do anything if Replace Selected Item is selected. The image automatically appears in that frame. To replace an existing graphic, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and click the loaded graphics icon on the graphic you want to replace.

To place all the specified pages of a multipage file (such as a PDF or INDD file) at the same time, one overlapping another, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and click the loaded graphics icon where you want the pages to appear. This option tells InDesign to read linksfrom OPI comments for images included (or nested) in the graphic.Deselectthis option if you’re using a proxy-based workflow and plan to haveyour service providers perform the image replacement using theirOPI software. When this option is deselected, InDesign preservesthe OPI links but does not read them. When you print or export,the proxy and the links are passed on to the output file.Selectthis option if you’re using a proxy-based workflow and you wantInDesign, instead of your service provider, to perform image replacementwhen you output the final file. When you select this option, theOPI links appear in the Links panel.Also select this optionwhen you import EPS files containing OPI comments that are not partof a proxy-based workflow. For example, if you import an EPS file containingOPI comments for an omitted TIFF or bitmap image, you’ll want to selectthis option so that InDesign can access the TIFF information whenyou output the file.

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If a PNG graphic was saved with a non-white background color,and Use Transparency Information is selected, this option is selectedby default. If you don’t want to use the default background color,click White Background to import the graphic with a white background,or deselect Use Transparency Information to import the graphic withoutany transparency (displaying areas of the graphic that are currentlytransparent). Some image-editing programs can’t specify a non-whitebackground color for PNG graphics. The layout, graphics, and typography in a placed PDF are preserved.

As with other placed graphics, you cannot edit a placed PDF page within InDesign. You can control the visibility of layers in a layered PDF.

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You can also place more than one page of a multipage PDF.When you place a PDF that was saved with passwords, you are prompted to enter the required passwords. If the PDF file was saved with usage restrictions (for example, no editing or printing), but no passwords, you can place the file.When you place a PDF (or a file saved with Illustrator 9.0 or later) and select Show Import Options in the Place dialog box, you see a dialog box containing the following options.To import into a new frame, click the loaded graphics icon where you want the upper left corner of the graphic to appear.To create a frame of a certain size and import the graphic into the frame, drag to define the frame. The frame conforms to the proportions of the graphic being placed.To import into an existing frame, click the loaded graphics icon in the frame.

Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) while clicking to replace the contents of an existing frame.To import all the loaded graphics in a grid, start dragging, and press the arrow keys to determine the number of rows and columns. Use the Up Arrow key and Down Arrow key to change the number of rows and the Left Arrow key and Right Arrow key to change the number of columns. Release the mouse button to place the grid of images.To change the spacing between frames, press Page Up or Page Down or hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) while pressing the arrow keys.To change the spacing between frames, hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) while pressing the arrow keys. When you import Photoshop PSD files,layered PDFs, and INDD files, you can control the visibility oftop-level layers. Adjusting layer visibility in InDesign lets you vary an illustrationdepending on context. For example, in a multilanguage publication,you can create a single illustration that includes one text layerfor each language.You can adjust layer visibility eitherwhen you place a file or by using the Object Layer Options dialogbox. In addition, if the Photoshop file contains layer comps, youcan display the desired comp.To open or close a layer set, click the triangle to the left of the folder icon.To hide a layer or layer set, click the eye icon next to the layer or layer set.To display the layer or layer set, click the empty eye column next to the layer or layer set.To display only the content of a particular layer or layer set, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) while clicking its eye icon.

Hold down Alt or Option and click the eye icon again to restore the original visibility settings of the other layers.To change the visibility of multiple items, drag through the eye column.To open or close a layer set, click the triangle to the left of the folder icon.To hide a layer or layer set, click the eye icon next to the layer or layer set.To display the layer or layer set, click the empty eye column next to the layer or layer set.To display only the content of a particular layer or layer set, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) while clicking its eye icon. Hold down Alt or Option and click the eye icon again to restore the original visibility settings of the other layers.To change the visibility of multiple items, drag through the eye column. When you copy and paste or drag a graphic into an InDesign document, some attributes of the original object may be lost, depending on the limitations of the operating system and the range of data types the other application makes available for transfer, and the InDesign Clipboard preferences. Pasting or dragging Illustrator graphics lets you select and edit paths within the graphic.Copying and pasting or dragging between two InDesign documents, or within a single document, however, preserves all of the graphics attributes that were imported or applied.

For example, if you copy a graphic from one InDesign document and paste it into another, the new copy is an exact duplicate of the original, even including the original’s link information, so you can update the graphic when the file on disk changes. The drag-and-drop method works like the Place command, with images appearing in the Links panel after they’re imported. You cannot set import options for the files you drag-and-drop; however, you can drag-and-drop multiple files at once (the files are loaded in the graphics icon when you drag-and-drop more than one).Select a graphic from Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Bridge, Explorer (Windows), the Finder (Mac OS), or your desktop, and drag it into InDesign. The image must be in a format that InDesign can import.After dragging a file from any location other than Illustrator, it appears in the Links panel in InDesign. Using the Links panel, you can control versions and update as necessary.

The Display Performance preferences let youset the default display option, which InDesign usesfor every document. You can change a document’s display performanceusing the View menu, or change the setting for individual objectsusing the Object menu.

For example, if you work on projects thatcontain numerous high-resolution photos (such as a catalog), youmay prefer to have all your documents open quickly. You can setthe default display option to Fast. When you want to see the imagesin more detail, you can switch the document view to Typical or HighQuality (leaving the preference set to Fast).You can alsochoose to view or override display settings applied to individual objects.If Preserve Object-Level Display Settings is selected, any settingsapplied to objects are saved with the document. A contact sheet is a grid of thumbnail images,often used for pre-press analysis. You can use a number of differentAdobe applications to create a contact sheet. In Photoshop, youcan use either the Contact Sheet or Picture Package command.In previous versions of Adobe Bridge (CS2 and CS3), you can createa contact sheet for InDesign pages using the Create InDesign ContactSheet feature. This feature does not appear in later versions ofAdobe Bridge.

Instead, you can use the Adobe Output Module in AdobeBridge to create a PDF contact sheet.You can also create a simple contact sheet in InDesign by placingmultiple images in a grid.

Unlike in Windows versions of PowerPoint, there is no option in to insert online pictures. If you must use online pictures, you could use two workarounds, and both of them are not perfect, but can help in some cases:.Search Online Outside PowerPoint.Use an Online Image PlaceholderWe will explore both these options: Search Online Outside PowerPointYou can search pictures online using Google Image Search or Bing Image Search within a browser, and save the files locally. Yes, you may lose all the options such as those for licensing, but do bear in mind that many of the options for online pictures are available in Bing's Image Search, shown in Figure 1, below. We explore these options in our series of tutorials.Figure 1: Bing Image search resultsGoogle Image Search also has a corresponding set of search options. In addition, Google Image Search also has an amazing.Whatever your source of images may be, always remember to.Once you have found an image with licensing terms that allow it to be used, you can save the image locally on your computer,. Use an Online Image PlaceholderPowerPoint 2016 for Mac allows you to create a placeholder that lets you insert an online image, as explained in our tutorial. However, this isn’t the real thing!

Rather, clicking this placeholder only allows access to your iCloud picture library, which is essentially synced copies of your pictures saved offline on your computer.See Also.