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HSP Biologi Tingkatan 5. THE NATIONAL PHILOSOPHY Our nation, Malaysia, is dedicated to achieving a greater unity of all her peoples; to maintaining a democratic way of life; to creating a just. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan membagikan perangkat pembelajaran silabus SMA untuk mata pelajaran Biologi kelas x,kelas xi dan kelas xii kurikulum 2013. Artmoney port royale 2 own town free. Silabus yang akan saya bagikan ini dapat anda miliki secara gratis.

PENGEMBANGAN HANDOUT BERBASIS KONTEKSTUAL PADAPELAJARAN BIOLOGI MATERI BIOTEKNOLOGI UNTUKSISWA KELAS XII SMK NEGERI 02 BATUFega Rahmayani 1, Iin Hindun 1, Atok Miftachul Hudha 11Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universtias Muhammadiyah Malang,e-mail: atokemha@yahoo.comABSTR ACTThe teaching learning activity in SMK is inappropriate with the purpose of teaching and learning in SMK, which the students are taught to be able to apply the materials in the real life. Teaching material is taken from the biology book of SMA that the content is theoretically, so the explanation on the material is unsuitable and not applicative that makes the student less in ability and skill for application in daily life. From the problem above, this research purpose on developing the contextual basic handout of the biological course in biotechnology material in SMK N 02 Batu.This research is developing research based on research and development by Sugiyono’s model that use a few developing steps, those are: (1) Potential and problem, (2) Collecting data, (3) Product design, (4) Validation design, (5) Design revision, (6) Try out the product, (7) Product revision.

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The data collecting methods is using validation from the expert of handout, material expert and try out to the study club. The technique of analyze data using quantitative and qualitative data. The result of quantitative data is the percentage of handout product value that classify in the handout quality and the result of qualitative data come from comment and advise of validator and try out in SMK.The result quality of the handout found that the developing contextual basic handout reach out the good quality after following the procedure of validation with percentage 80.90% and try out to the student that use the handout with percentage very good, 97.75% and get the positive respond from student with percentage 90.82%. From the whole of the contextual basic handout have a good quality and appropriate in use for teaching material of Biology in teaching learning process in SMK N 02 Batu.Keywords: Contextual Basic Handout, Development and Quality of Handout.

AbstractThis study has a purpose to increase students' concept mastery of Biology and Mathematics subject through lesson study at XI IPA2 in SMA Negeri 1 Kontunaga. This study was conducted in 3 cycles. The material for Biology is Tissue System in Plant and Animal, while for Mathematics the material is Statistic. The study was done based on the lesson study's stages.

Each cycle consists of Plan, Do and See. It took place in SMAN 1 Kontunaga from September to November 2013. The subject of this study was XI IPA2 SMA Negeri 1 Kontunaga. The data collection was done with documentation, observation and test. The instruments consist of observation sheet of students' learning activity and students' achievement test. The result showed that learning through lesson study can increase students' Biology with Tissue System in Plant and Animal material and concept mastery in Mathematics with Statistic material.

The result of Biology subject in Tissue system in Plant and Animal material also experienced an increase in each cycle. Those are: 82,13 in cycle I, 83.88 in cycle II and 83,19 in cycle III. There was a concept mastery achievement in Mathematics in each cycle. The average score in cycle I was 80,25, cycle II was 81,00 and cycle III gained 81,97.